BREAKFAST!! (at noon)

Soo it’s almost noon. And I just got out of bed and made breakfast. My sleep schedule has been really off since working  nights for 10 days and going straight back to the office the following day. I finally got a chance to sleep in and get a good nights rest. Which, considering I didn’t get to sleep until 3, it was still only 9 hours. Another tip. GET YOUR REST. Sleep is amazing. It can do wonders for ya.

So what’s up for breakfast today?? Eggs, bacon, avocado, salsa, blueberries, and strawberries. Bacon and eggs are my essentials. I actually cook the bacon and then scramble the eggs in the bacon grease. It’s AMAZING. And, since I use organic, antibiotic/nitrate/nitrite free bacon, its not completely terrible for you. Also, it’s completely Paleo friendly!

So here’s a picture of my delicious, healthy fat full, protein packed, pretty Paleo breakfast for ya’ll!


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